November 2022
30 November 2022 - 18:39
Xenoblade 2 master mods
When selecting "Return to title screen", the game may load infinitely.
When selecting "Nintendo eShop" from the title screen, Cemu will be stuck on a black screen.
The manual can be viewed online on the official Nintendo website here.
The graphics pack "Change Time from eManual" will instead open the change time menu when selecting the manual, preventing a softlock.
There is no way to get out of this screen other than restarting Cemu.
When selecting the manual from the in game menu, you will be taken to a FrontierNav background page that is empty.
Voices being overpowered by the comparatively louder music during cut scenes was a common issue in the original game on the Wii U.
However, I'm leaving the link since it is still useful, as there are no audio setting in-game.
If this issue was an emulation error, it has been fixed by Cemu updates.
Music volume can be adjusted with this workaround.
Music and voices are too low compared to other sounds.
Can be partially fixed by using a graphic pack which reduces the bloom effect, download the latest graphic packs here.
Om Mig: