In War Thunder game players will have the opportunity to control the legendary tank of World War II - German Tiger II. The tanks sound like tanks, which is good, but the plane sounds are a lot better. I found myself kicking back and listening to the planes fly by. The planes sound great and the explosions and guns are very satisfying. War Thunder also has a great sound quality. This adds a new dimension to the game that makes it even more fun. The maps are very large and you can be flying over the ocean and suddenly see a battleship or a bomber flying over you. The controls are easy to use and the game is fun. The planes are fun to fight in and the tanks are a blast to drive. However, this can be overcome by getting used to the guns. I found myself constantly overshooting or missing my targets. I did have some trouble aiming at first because the guns seem to be very sensitive. I found myself very comfortable in the game after a few minutes of playing. The controls in War Thunder are a lot of fun to use. However, the tanks look a bit like plastic toys, but no one can say that they don’t look good. The ground details look amazing, and the textures and environment are quite detailed. The planes look really good and fly realistically. The only problem I have with the controls is the zoom function. The controls feel very responsive when flying. This is how a flight combat game should feel. This game is very immersive and you really feel like your in a dogfight. You can have your aircraft flying at speeds of up to 600km/h and it feels like you're actually moving that fast! You really feel like you're in the war! The sound is very clear and you can hear everything that is going on.The game feels very realistic. The War Thunder game has a very authentic WWII sound to it. The sound is also a high point for the game. Don't get me wrong, the game looks great, it just lacks a bit of detail on the ground. The only thing about the graphics is the ground textures look a bit bland and samey. The planes and tanks look amazing and the scenery and backgrounds are beautiful. A lot of time and effort was put into the graphics and it really shows.

First thing's first, this game looks amazing. It is developed by Gaijin Entertainment and is available on Steam or by links from our site.